Thursday, December 15, 2016

5G Boosts Innovations in Industries

In the early dial-up age, the internet seemed quite decent. Seen from today’s perspective, the most obvious reason for that is because we didn’t know any better. Once broadband was invented, all of that changed in a second. Suddenly the web was fast, visually rich, and most importantly there was no need to go online, as we were already online. 3G allowed us access to everything and everywhere, while 4G changed the atomic unit of the web, turning it from images to videos, almost overnight. Oded Kariti’s global report at Willipedia "Opportunities in 5G: The view from industries," reveals the impact of 5G, the new generation of mobile technology, on selected industries. The study also reveals which usage will dominate in a particular industry, and which business reasons will be the main drivers and motivators for the use of 5G.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Web Site Loading is Key to Your Online Success

If you want to optimize and automate your entire business plan, science engineer and member Oded Kariti believes that your website should definitely serve as your starting point. Any professional website is the digital entry or door, through which buyers or buying of products and services enter. If a customer waits too long to get a website opened, or everything is slow, that the customer just loses any further interest, and that causes direct damage to the business.

Friday, August 19, 2016

All You Need to Know About RFID Technology

It is estimated that each person has at least 4 RFID codes next to him on a daily basis, such as driver's license, passport, tram ticket, car keys, bank card, and mobile phone. The general public isn’t too familiar with the RFID area, and as research scientist Oded Kariti explains, they are usually not aware about most of the above stated facts. In order to introduce people with RFID technology and its potential, a group of experts and eminent scientist, including Oded Kariti, organized the second regional conference on RFID technology, which took place at the Westin Hotel in New York City. The event was held on August 16 with the aim of better understanding of RFID, or radio frequency identification as a technology of the future.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Security & Antivirus app for mobile phones by Oded Kariti

Over the last couple of years, a large number of mobile phone users have increasingly started to use the internet on their mobile devices. Often cell phones are used to keep important data such as messages, pictures or phone numbers and they are also used to get an access on social networks or bank accounts. Given this fact, it is very important to be aware of and thus protect your phone from viruses that can inflict great damage to you by jeopardizing cell phone security or mobile banking security.

By installing an appropriate anti-virus program and updating it on a regular basis, it is possible to secure the cell phone and reduce the risk you take to a minimum. With this level of cell phone safety the phone will regularly be scanned and if any viruses are detected, they will be easily destroyed.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Kariti: The Future of Television

Television and virtual reality will soon merge and create a whole range of experiences that so far no one has even imagined, said Oded Kariti one of the speakers at this year’s Zotero Tech panel. This panel brought together experts from the world of film, television, design and technology, to discuss what it is the next thing that we’ll all be looking at the big screens in our homes.

Television has turned from something that consumers passively watch, grown into an active device that allows interactive experiences.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Security of private communications networks - Explained by Oded Kariti

Oded Kariti
It is pretty easy to conclude that mobile phones have increasingly become attractive targets of malicious programs of all kinds. The increasing number of smartphones and the percentage of use of complex mobile platforms will continue to grow. The functionality and complexity of mobile devices will continue to increase, as well as the base of their users. All of these growing trends will also trigger the development of malicious programs aiming for the cell phone safety.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Oded Kariti Is A Gadgets Enthusiast

Gadgets have become an essential part of our everyday lives. Like the mobile phone, we are starting to get addicted and dependent on them for most of our daily tasks. Technology enthusiast Oded Kariti admits of being too attached to his gadgets. As technology further advances, these gadgets that we are so fond of, continue to further amaze us with their new concepts created by young and ambitious designers. Some of these innovations come from the necessity of solving the problems that old products have, besides their new and improved functions. Hi-tech gadgets also come with a beautiful design and a simple interface.

The vision of the future we once saw in cartoons like The Jetsons, may not be so far after all. One of the biggest themes this year was connected high-tech household. Futuristic thermostats, security systems, and even washing machines can now work together and make your life more digital than ever. For those of you who've dreamed of being both more efficient and lazier with your household gadgets and appliances, this may be the long-sought solution.

Oded Kariti - Gadgets Enthusiast