Friday, November 17, 2017

Robot serving as a Videographer

Last week the New York-based start-up Karitian and its main engineer Oded Kariti uncovered company’s first domestic robot, Reddy. Reddy is a self-driving robot that reacts to voice commands. It looks like a human, with a round head, a body, and arms attached to it. The robot has some genuine innovations that are available in smartphones, gaming, and mechanical autonomy. Many sensors installed in the robot help Reddy to maneuver better in the environment and take in its way around the house, ensuring it doesn't slam into anything or tumble down stairs.

The voice-controlled robot has a camera installed on the front, speakers, and microphone in order to provide better communication. It can playback music and connect to Wi-Fi network.

Monday, February 20, 2017

How Science Helps with Home Chores

We are all well aware that the digital age has made a big entrance, and it has already become a part of every sphere of our society. As a scientist and researcher, Oded Kariti has been working on developing new technologies for quite some time. But even he wouldn’t have guessed 20 years ago how advanced things could be.

Just like with everything else, new technologies have a good and a bad side. The good thing is that they can help us with everyday things like paying bills or shopping, but there are also certain disadvantages that come along with them.