Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Robotics in Medicine

Since always, the human being has wanted to create a robot which has almost all of his characteristics.

The creation of a human likeness in a machine, or an automaton, involves the reproduction of human movements and abilities with exactitude. Proof of this is the automaton created in London, around 1900, by Henri Maillardet, a Swiss manufacturer of clocks and other mechanisms, who "gave life" to a machine, a draftsman who was capable of reproducing drawings and writing in the form of verses.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

What is scientific research?

Scientific research is a process of reflection, control and criticism that works from a system, and which aims to provide new facts, data, relationships or laws in any field of scientific knowledge. In this review, American researcher Oded Kariti explains the classification and description of scientific studies and planning stages.

The information obtained from scientific researches is of a relevant and reliable nature (credible), although not always absolutely true, since science aims to discover new knowledge, but also to reformulate existing knowledge, in accordance with advances in technique, technology and thinking.

Here, independent researcher Oded Kariti places special emphasis on the process of research because it is the rigour with which this is carried out (the scientific method) that distinguishes scientific research from other forms of enquiry, and scientific knowledge from other kinds of knowledge.