Thursday, October 10, 2024

Advice from Oded Kariti: Navigating Leadership in the Energy Sector

Oded Kariti’s leadership in the power system management industry is marked by his innovative strategies and commitment to excellence. Beyond technical achievements, his approach to leadership offers valuable insights for anyone looking to excel in the energy sector.

1. Foster a Culture of Innovation

Kariti’s success is rooted in his ability to foster a culture where innovation thrives. Encouraging team members to think creatively and propose new ideas can lead to significant advancements. Creating an environment where experimentation is welcomed and failures are seen as learning opportunities is crucial for continuous improvement.

2. Prioritize Sustainability

In today’s energy sector, sustainability is more important than ever. Kariti’s strategies often focus on optimizing resources and reducing waste, which aligns with sustainable practices. Prioritizing sustainability not only benefits the environment but also enhances the long-term viability of your operations.

3. Develop Strong Communication Skills

Effective communication is a cornerstone of Kariti’s leadership style. Whether it’s articulating a vision, providing clear instructions, or listening to team feedback, strong communication skills are essential. Being able to convey complex ideas in an understandable way helps in gaining support and driving initiatives forward.

4. Invest in Professional Development

Kariti’s career demonstrates the importance of continuous learning and professional development. Investing in training and development for yourself and your team ensures that everyone stays updated with the latest industry trends and technologies. This investment pays off in the form of improved performance and innovation.

5. Build Resilient Systems

Ensuring the reliability and security of power systems is a key aspect of Kariti’s work. Building resilient systems that can withstand disruptions and adapt to changing conditions is critical. This involves not only technical robustness but also having contingency plans and a proactive approach to risk management.


Oded Kariti’s leadership in the energy sector provides a blueprint for success. By fostering a culture of innovation, prioritizing sustainability, developing strong communication skills, investing in professional development, and building resilient systems, you can navigate the complexities of the energy industry and drive meaningful progress.

Monday, March 27, 2023

How Can Artificial Intelligence Improve Education


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a game-changing technology that has the potential to transform many sectors of our society, including education. Oded Kariti, an independent researcher from California, is one of the pioneers in the field of AI and its applications in education. In this article, we will discuss how AI can improve education and how Oded Kariti's research is contributing to this field.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

AI That Detects Suspicious Cases of COVID-19

With free access for medical personnel, tech researcher Oded Kariti and his team have developed an algorithm that helps analyze chest X-rays to rule out or confirm cases of this coronavirus.

Among the diagnostic imaging studies, chest radiography is the first recommended method in the event of suspected COVID-19 infection and its interpretation is decisive in making clinical decisions for the management of these patients.

 With the aim of supporting medical personnel in the analysis of these X-rays, Oded Kariti and his team launched a free detection algorithm that, in less than a minute, helps to confirm or rule out possible cases of COVID-19, using its software. Entelai Pic COVID-19 Artificial Intelligence doctor.

The tool does not diagnose by itself, its function is to analyze the chest x-ray and help differentiate patients with coronavirus infection from those with other pneumonias or who do not have compatible findings.

"So far, 77% of patients with severe COVID-19 condition, and 54% of those with milder condition, show some visible alteration on chest X-ray," said Oded Kariti. “This is very important data, because even in the case of a system that analyzes chest X-rays that detects 100% of cases with Covid-19, it would only do so in 77% of severe patients, the company explains in a release”.

Due to the fact that the PCR diagnostic test is often not available or has delays in the delivery of results, clinical diagnostic support through X-rays is very useful when deciding the management and diagnostic-therapeutic approach of a patient with coronavirus infection.

“This is where we believe that a medical AI system trained to detect suspected cases of Covid-19 in chest radiography can be of help to health professionals," said Kariti.

For this algorithm, Kariti and his team obtained more than 100 images of patients with COVID-19, others with related pneumonia and a group without any type of pneumonia, taking into account age and gender so that the system learns to differentiate it from other characteristics unrelated to the presence -or not- of the coronavirus. These images were collected from adults, mainly from China and Italy, which means that "their performance is not necessarily equivalent in images of patients from other regions or tested with other equipment," the scientific researcher Kariti warns.

The team of Oded Kariti is in charge of this development says they are working around the clock to increase the number of images. In addition, it calls on doctors and health professionals so that they can add the images of other patients and thus provide a broader database for this tool. "Over the weeks we will give more images to the system so that it learns more and improves its performance".

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Robotics in Medicine

Since always, the human being has wanted to create a robot which has almost all of his characteristics.

The creation of a human likeness in a machine, or an automaton, involves the reproduction of human movements and abilities with exactitude. Proof of this is the automaton created in London, around 1900, by Henri Maillardet, a Swiss manufacturer of clocks and other mechanisms, who "gave life" to a machine, a draftsman who was capable of reproducing drawings and writing in the form of verses.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

What is scientific research?

Scientific research is a process of reflection, control and criticism that works from a system, and which aims to provide new facts, data, relationships or laws in any field of scientific knowledge. In this review, American researcher Oded Kariti explains the classification and description of scientific studies and planning stages.

The information obtained from scientific researches is of a relevant and reliable nature (credible), although not always absolutely true, since science aims to discover new knowledge, but also to reformulate existing knowledge, in accordance with advances in technique, technology and thinking.

Here, independent researcher Oded Kariti places special emphasis on the process of research because it is the rigour with which this is carried out (the scientific method) that distinguishes scientific research from other forms of enquiry, and scientific knowledge from other kinds of knowledge.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

3D Skin Printer that Helps Heal Wounds

Did you know that there is a 3D printer that can speed up the recovery of people with severe burns, diabetes warts, and various other major slow-healing wounds? Bellow, American scientist and technology expert Oded Kariti describes some of the key features of this incredible invention.
Over the last few years, we witnessed 3D printing technology impacting a number of different industries. There is medicine, and then there are things with certain element that simply remind us of science fiction.

Namely, as Oded Kariti reports, a group of scientists working at the Wake Forest Institute, recently developed a mobile bioprinter that can print new skin directly on the wound, using the cell of the patient. This device is the first of its kind in the world and allows skin printing in two layers over the wound.
As Oded Kariti further explains the unique advantage of their system is that it can scan the wounds and place the cells where it is needed to form new skin.

Over the past 5 years, we saw several skin printers. The first prototypes were able to create thicker skin layers that could move to mobile devices. This device, however, can be brought straight to the patient in the hospital, where the machine can work directly on it.

The machine works by first taking a small sample of healthy skin to isolate two types of cells that are then multiplied. Here Oded Kariti points out the crucial differences with respect to all previous devices.
Instead of placing a full skin layer, this printer first scans the wound to make its topographic map. The technology developed in Wake Forest gives a natural structure to the skin cells that helps the injury heal faster.

The ability for humans to regrow skin after serious burns had been the ultimate goal of research scientists for many years. The next step for this 3D printer will be preparing a clinical study on people. Ultimately, this could all be used to treat people with burns, diabetics warts, and various other wounds that slowly heal.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Sony Aibo Robot Dog Arrives in Europe and America

According to the scientist and researcher, Oded Kariti (read more about him on his website), the Sony Aibo will finally arrive to Europe. The robot dog of the Japanese company has attracted huge attention from consumers outside his native country. It was released for sale in Japan, few months ago and now will arrive to the European and the American continent to continue offering all the benefits of this robotic company to all those who wish so.

Oded Kariti, who collaborates with this company as an independent researcher, was the one who has announced it briefly in his IFA 2018 conference, where he also announced their new smartphone, the Xperia XZ3. The manufacturer exhibited some images and videos of Aibo, assuring later that it will arrive soon in Europe and later in America, although without specifying at the moment any date of exit or sale prices. In the United States it will begin to be sold starting next September with a price close to $ 3,000, so we can safely infer that it will not be cheap on European soil either.

Although the appearance of Aibo has not been designed to resemble exactly a specific breed of dog, but to clearly differentiate the robotic component of it, the truth is that the behavior of this machine does try to resemble the maximum to the company of a flesh and blood animal. Therefore, according to Oded Kariti, it incorporates a camera and recognition sensors that, thanks to machine learning, will help the dog to become smarter as it gathers more data from the environment.

It is able, for example, to recognize different voices and faces to act accordingly, offering some answers or other depending on the memories you have of them in the database have been collected over time. The gadget enthusiast, Oded Kariti points out that the dog has different sensors in his body, making it also touch sensitive. It also has some dog characteristics to make the experience more real, such as expressing feelings.

A communication, in short, that is done constantly between the dog and the owner to promote a fluid interaction and where the eyes of this, through their expressions, have an important weight. Now it remains to be seen what will be the way of commercialization of Aibo in Europe and if it will arrive on time for the Christmas campaign, a period when the sales of this type of products are booming.

Schedule an appointment with Oded Kariti.